About TPCN

TPCN is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to assisting organizations that help women in crisis pregnancies via free, compassionate, practical, and life-affirming services.

TPCN’s Goals Are:

To assist organizations that promote a woman's physical and mental well-being during her pregnancy and postnatal.

To assist organizations that improve the physical well-being of the unborn child and the newborn.

To assist organizations that encourage adoption as an option for women who are unable to parent.

TPCN primarily achieves these goals by serving as the prime contractor of the Thriving Texas Families Program, funded through the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. TPCN’s Program is made up of a state-wide network of pregnancy support centers, maternity residences, social service agencies, and adoption agencies that offer comprehensive, life-affirming support to women dealing with unplanned pregnancies. Known as Providers, these organizations are staffed with caring professionals and trained counselors and mentors. These centers are non-discriminatory, non-profit organizations that are monitored annually to ensure compliance with both TPCN and Health and Human Services Commission standards. The Providers offer confidential support, encouragement, guidance and practical assistance to women so they can feel supported and confident in choosing childbirth. None of TPCN’s Providers charge fees of any kind to the women and families they serve.

TPCN Providers Offer:

  • Confidential counseling and/or mentoring
  • Non-judgmental atmosphere of understanding and support
  • Materials assistance, such as maternity and baby clothing, food, and furniture
  • Temporary Shelter
  • Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting classes
  • Referrals to other community agencies and medical resources
  • Adoption information
  • Assistance with education and career decisions
  • Other related services necessary for the well-being of the mother and child

Subcontractor Information

Each non-profit organization in this network is an independent organization governed by its own board of directors. The non-profits become a part of the network through a contractual agreement. The non-profits contract to provide only four types of services: counseling, material assistance, referrals, and classes. The non-profits put in the upfront costs and efforts to pay staff salaries, overhead, coordinate services, and do outreach to find clients. Once the four contractual services are documented and invoiced, TPCN pays the non-profits contracted rates under the fee-for-services agreement.
Once the non-profit provides the services to eligible clients and documents them correctly, they have satisfied the conditions to earn the contracted fees. Each non-profit has the freedom to reinvest the fees in their non-profit as their board of directors chooses as long as they follow 501(c)(3) regulations. For example, they may start saving to remodel or build another location, or they may invest in client outreach and advertising. Failure to follow 501(c)(3) regulations could jeopardize their tax-exempt status granted by the IRS. The non-profits cannot be part of the network if they lose their tax-exempt status.
The Texas Thriving Families Program is a state-funded Program. The non-profits that make up the network, however, do not receive grants under this Program. They are subcontractors, so funds are not paid up-front to the non-profits. The non-profits use their own funding and resources to provide the services and are paid on a fee-for-services basis afterwards according to a contracted schedule for the four services.